Sunday, September 8, 2013

Lazy Sunday Pizza

It has been threatening to rain all week in Austin and I really thought today would be the day. It wasn't. There is nothing quite like a good rainy day spent watching movies and pigging out. Alas, it wasn't meant to I have no excuse except extreme laziness. I made olive pizza though and it was the bomb.
Popcorn Tofu at 11 o' clock

Can you see the slice I made with Wheatsville's popcorn tofu? That was the piece I savored for awhile.
I am not a huge fan of Daiya shreds so I use Follow your Heart mozzarella for pizzas. I did recently snag some slices of Daiya cheddar on sale and I must say they are not bad at all, not too Daiya-y. I will be featuring them on my Dad's famous bean sandwiches soon so hang tight.


  1. Your cheese looks lovely and melty! I love olives on pizza.

    1. Yeah thanks! I don't trust folks that don't like olives.

  2. I prefer Follow Your Heart to Daiya too! Talk about your unpopular opinions. :)

    1. Yes ma'am! We are few and far between. Follow your Heart forever!
